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Southern California was a hotbed of steam car research in the early 1970s. This is one example of a number of firms and entrepreneurs. This subject deserves extensive research while many of the participants are still looking at the green side of grass.

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This flyer dates from the late 1960s or early 1970s. Smith's Automotive Steam Systems is apparently linked to Richard J. Smith. There may be more information on Richard J. Smith in the Steam Automobile.

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This four-page trade catalogue, composed and drawn by Karl A. Petersen, lists independent contractors Richard J. Smith and Karl A. Petersen.[1]

Richard J. Smith Steam Engine, Product Engineering Magazine Article, April 10, 1967, p. 25 Richard J. Smith Steam Engine, Product Engineering Magazine Article, April 10, 1967, p. 26

On April 10, 1967, Product Engineering carried this short feature article on Richard J. Smith and his steam engine. Edward Gibbs Collection.

Richard J. Smith's Steam VW, 1968 Laguna Beach, CA Saca Meeting Richard J. Smith's Steam VW, 1968 Laguna Beach, CA Saca Meeting Richard J. Smith's Steam VW, 1968 Laguna Beach, CA Saca Meeting Richard J. Smith's Steam VW, 1968 Laguna Beach, CA Saca Meeting

These four images were taken at the 1968 SACA Meeting in Laguna Beach, CA. The identity of the bare-foot hippie remains a mystery. Tom Hosick of North Carolina (and a partner with R. A. Gibbs in the Elliptocline Project) is shown with a camera around his neck. The VW was subsequently dismantled and no longer survives.[1]

Richard Smith Newspaper Article, December 15, 1975 Richard Smith Newspaper Article, December 15, 1975

Richard Smith's Steam Car System was featured in "The National Spotlight: The paper You Can Trust" on December 15, 1975.

[1]Email corresponddence: Karl Petersen & Tom Kimmel, May 28, 2016, and Karl Petersen, June 8, 2016.

Contact us if you have additional information about the All American Motors Company or Smith's Automotive Steam Systems, or if you have questions.

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