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The Johns-Manville Company acvertised its asbestos products for steam car use.

Johns_Manville_company, Asbestos, Floyd Clymer, P. 40

Floyd Clymer reprinted this Johns-Manville Company article on page 40 of his Steam Car Scrapbook.

Johns-Manville Company,  Steam Automobile Asbestos Advertisement, January 3, 1903, The Automobile, P. 49

On January 3, 1903, the Johns-Manville Company placed this advertisement in The Automobile, promoting its asbestos for steam car boiler coverings and cylinder coverings. Other steam car advertisers were the Mason Regulator Company, Mobile Company of America, the Century Motor Vehicle Company, and the Stearns Steam Carriage Company. John A. Conde Collection Photocopy.

Johns-Manville Company Magazine Advertiseiemtn, January 1917, Harpers Magazine, Vol. cxxxiv, No. dccc, Advertising Section

Johns-Manville Company Magazine Advertiseiemtn, January 1917, Harpers Magazine, Vol. cxxxiv, No. dccc, Advertising Section.

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Society of Automotive Historians

The Society of Automotive Historians bestowed its prestigious 2015 Ingersoll Award on the VSCM web site.