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Valentine & Company was a varnish and paint company headquartered in Chicago in the late 19th Century. As did many companies, it made the transition to marketing its products to the growing automobile industry.

Valentine & Company, ca: 1899 April , Advertising Cover

This ca: 1899 advertising cover was mailed from Valentine & Company to Staver & Abbott Mfg. Co. on Wabash Avenue in Chicago.

Valentine & Company Automobile Paint Brochure, Valspar Enamel, April 1923 Valentine & Company Automobile Paint Brochure, Valspar Enamel, April 1923, Interior Valentine & Company Automobile Paint Brochure, Valspar Enamel, April 1923, Exteropr

This 1923 Valentine & Company brochure shows the various Valspar Enamel colors for Automobiles.

Valentine & Company, Magazine Advertisement, 1925

This ca: 1925 Valentine & Company poster stamp captures the design ideas of the 1920s.

Valentine and Company magazine advertisement, Saturday Evening Post, August 26, 1926, page 59, Dallas Texas Storm

Valentine and Company advertised widely in the comsumer market. This August 26, 1925 magazine advertisement The Saturday Evening Post on page 59.

Valentine & Company 1926 Magazine Advertisement, Valspar

This June 12, 1926 Valentine & Company magazine advertisement appeared in The Saturday Evening Post on page 72.

This web page took two to three hours to scan, research, and design. Thank you for supporting the Virtual Steam Car Museum!