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The Judson L. Thomson Manufacturing Company produced aftermarket burners for steam automobiles.

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Judson L. Thompson National Kerosene Oil Burner, November 1907, Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal, p. 392, Conde Collection.

Judson L. Thomson's advertisement carries the title "The Burner is the Soul of a Steam Carriage." It appeared in the November 1907 issue of Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal. John A. Conde Collection.

Judson L. Thompson National Kerosene Oil Burner, April 1910, Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal, p. 379, Conde Collection.

Judson L. Thomson's advertisement carries the title "The Burner is the Soul of a Steam Carriage." It appeared in the April 1910 issue of Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal, a testament to the number of steam cars still on the road in 1910. John A. Conde Collection.

Contact us if you have additional information about the Judson L. Thomson Manufacturing Company, or if you have questions.

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