Harper's Magazine and Scribner's Magazine carried these early 1899 advertisements on pages 36 and 95 respectively. The months these advertisements appeared are unknown.
Harper's Magazine carried this early 1899 advertisement on page 95, month unknown.
Scribner's Magazine carried this 1899 advertisement on page 97, month unknown.
Scribner's Magazine carried this early 1899 advertisement on page 69, month unknown.
An unknown magazine carried this 1899 advertisement on page 53.
Cosmopolitan Magazine carried this September 1899 advertisement, no page.
McClure's Magazine carried this November 1899 advertisement on page 76K.
Harper's Magazine carried this December 1899 advertisement on page 127 while the same advertisement appeared in the December McClure's Magzine on page 118.
Locomobile Company of America Advertising 1900
Locomobile Company of America Advertising 1901
Locomobile Company of America Advertising 1902
Locomobile Company of America Advertising 1903
Locomobile Company of America Advertising 1904 - 1905
Locomobile Company of America Advertising Photographs, Postcards, & Ephemera