Kimes & Clark list a Joseph W. Jones who completed his steam car in 1899, having started the year before. It was "a runabout with dos-a-dos seats, it was fitted with an automatic reversible valve engine, a kerosene burner, and a flash boiler." While Jones patented some of his ideas, he never made his fortune in steam automobile manufacturing.
At the suggestion of his wife, Jones invented the first speedometer used on an automobile. Jones "coined the term."[1] The Jones Speedometer was widely used and advertised.
The Jones Steam Car is mentioned in thThe Automobile Manufacturers Association booklet entitled A Chronicle of the Automotive Industry in America, 1893 - 1949, published in 1950.
This 1904 Jones Speedometer advertisement appeared in an unidentified magazine.
This Jones Speedometer advertisement appeared in a 1905 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine. On the reverse was a full page advertisement for the gasoline Locomobile.
This Jones Speedometer advertisement appeared in 1907 and promoted The "Day and Night" Jones.
Colliers Magazine carried this 1909 Jones Speedometer advertisement.
The Jones Speedometer was quite successful and widely advertised. This magazine advertisement appeared on April 11, 1911 in Life magazine.