The Dieter Steam Engine Company produced very sophisticated steam engines for boats and automobiles. At some time, the company had a relationship with August Olfeldt & Sons.
In its April 19, 1905 issue, the Horseless Age featured the New Dieter Steam Engine, on page 466
This advertisement, found in Floyd Clymer's steam car scrapbook, illustrates Dieter's three-cylinder, in-line engine in combination with August Ofeldt's Semi-flash Boiler..
This four-page brochure promoted Dieter's three-cylider in-line engine as well as its four-cylinder V engine design.
The reference to having been inspired by gasoline engines is interesting.
Dieter advertised two steam engines on this drawing, a three-cylinder 20 hp engine and a four-cylinder 13 hp or 15 hp engine.
The Dieter Steam Engine Type 3 drawing. Note the address change from 106 Liberty Street to 123 Liberty Street.
The 1909 version of Dieter's four-cylinder, V engine.
This Dieter Steam Engine advertisement appeared in the November 29, 1905 issue of Horseless Age.
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