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W. Lee Crouch's Steam Carriage caught the attention of the automotive world in the summer of 1899. The Motor Age featured Crouch's vehicle in a two-page spread in September 1899. Crouch never got beyond the experimental stage, though his vehicle was highly praised.

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W. Lee Crouch Steam Carriage, Baltimore, MD September 18, 1899, The Motor Age Magazine, photocopy, Conde Collection. W. Lee Crouch Steam Carriage, Baltimore, MD September 18, 1899, The Motor Age Magazine, photocopy, Conde Collection.

The Motor Age carried this two-page article about W. Lee Crouch and his steam carrige, built in Baltimore, MD in 1899. John A. Conde Collection.

W. Lee Crouch Steam Carriage, Baltimore, MD, February 1900, The Automobile Magazine, photocopy, Conde Collection.

The Automobile published this notice of W. Lee Crouch's steam carriage in its February 1900 issue, p. 25. John A. Conde Collection.

John A. Conde's Crouch File Folder

John A. Conde's Crouch File Folder. John A. Conde Collection.

Contact us if you have additional information about the W. Lee Crouch Steam Wagon, or if you have questions.

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