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Samuel Williams & Joseph Carr Fuller were "printsellers, stationers, artists' colourmen, and playing-card makers" among other things during the first half of the 19th century. They produced this delightful print in 1828, predicting the Progress of Steam in 1829.[1]

Henry Thomas Alken, The Progress of Steam 1828 1829, Print

The wonderful print illustrates a horse-shaped steam carriage, ridden by a dandy. The inscription across the top reads "H. Alkens Illustration of Modern Prophecy or Novelty for the Year 1829. Below the image, the inscription reads: "Faugh the filthy fellow my Dear, the Wretch feeds his Horse on COmmon Coal. The Progress of Steam." London Pubd Jany 1828 S. & J. Fuller 34 Rathbone Place.

Henry Thomas Alken, The Progress of Steam 1828 and 1829, Print

In front of the rider stands a salesman holding a coal shovel to sell coal instead of oats. Behind him, a man is shoveling coal into the rear end of a horse-shaped steam vehicle.

Henry Thomas ALken, The Progress of Steam, 1828 and 1829, Print
[1]The British Museum web site provided the details about S. & J. Fuller.

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Society of Automotive Historians

The Society of Automotive Historians bestowed its prestigious 2015 Ingersoll Award on the VSCM web site.